Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Every woman, every child"

We're all here, ready and waiting. This is my first session and I'm super nervous. My brain is all twisted from finding out that President John Straussburger, the president emeritus of Ursinus College, A.K.A 'the one that mattered' passed this morning. So within the context of loosing a man that has done so much for the world of education and more importantly for a small group of african american students on a tiny college in the middle of nowhere, a man that 'just got it' AND then did something about it...I sit here waiting to see what the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, have to say about the MDL's and the state of women and children around the world.

I have that Jasmine song in my head.....
I gottta dream big...cuz when it happens it's gone have real quick....
well it doesn's have the same oomph without the pertinent.

aight. we're "taking our seats"

I shall return...

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