Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm a slacker 2

I only said 2 because Adiva beat me to the punch in revealing her 'slackness' in posting. However, I think something else is going on since I happen to have a couple of already written posts (its a long subway ride to work) that I just haven't 'posted'...what, what could it be...a sudden desire to not post?

At this moment I would guess that I have reached a critical mass of having shown too many people my blog and have gotten blogshy. Its kinda like when you know that someone is watching you take your test and then that thought prevents you from doing anything else - - including taking the test.

What if my ideas don't make sense? What if I'm wrong...? as though those things don't happen anyway - - forgive my ego, its omniscient, has its own zip code, and always get underfoot. It is under pressure, my ego, with the thoughts of attending Graduate school, which is the most significant decision I have made in the last year. At least I know why I 'stalled' - clarity is beauty, yes? I will keep you posted buuuuuut I wanted to share this article... sooo now the banks can't take the houses back because they have been split into so many pieces that they can't come back to take the houses they sold? Isn't this crazy?!?! So you keep your house because it's not even worth enough for the bank to foreclose on it - - but you can't have it back until it's destroyed by vandals...What is this world we are living in?? We need Jesus!

BTW - heroes was excellent 2night.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Voting Matters...

I awoke this morning...
yes, almost recovered...
opened my NYT (that liberal rag)...
and saw that the dems have repealed the Rockefeller Drug laws...
and I wonder if the universe just knows to convince you to hang on just a little bit longer...

just knows what to give you to get you to pop that faith pill and get back to work.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

recovery...a dream deferred


I'm at home, not quite sick, but aware that there are tiny microscopic organisms staging an all out war on my cells...I always win though, this year more than others. My awesome doc tells me that the measure of your health is your ability to get over a cold...when you stop "recovering" then we have a problem....

*clear throat

Well now, recovery....
May I make a stretch of a connection, can you bear with me?

I am not recovering.

Last week I had cornel west standing next to me with his arms around my shoulders telling me to hold on and keep planting seeds - thats the work we do. Not changing people, but planting seeds...

Intellectually I get it, I know you know that, I've said it before...

But I end up trying to convince people to have compassion, to not call her a whore, to care about the poor... I don't mean some abstract 'what would jesus do' moment... but don't shut down Ms. X case for no reason (she won't receive her food stamps).... Don't kick Mr. X out of the program because you think he is dangerous (he will violate his parole)... Dont lie to Ms. Y, there are other things she can do besides maintenance work...

Oh and then to watch C-span and see Mr. Limbaugh say, upon reflection no less, that he hopes the president fails... We knew this was coming, that their very ideology demands that Obama fail in his efforts of equality...should he even remotely succeed it would mean the utter destruction of his base...

You know what? 52% of the voting public voted for Obama, I take that to mean that about 52% of people are standing up for right, are sane, don't believe that our president is a Marxist, a socialist, and isn't a citizen...

But that means that 48% of people are not standing up for right. They look at the choices and choose to follow Rush Limbaugh?!? That is a whole lot of seeds to plant...

and at this point I'm tired of trying to convince people to embrace compassion on a micro and a macro level. Do you know what it feels like to discover how many of those seeds need to be planted in your backyard...your I preferr to sit here in the dark on the couch watching Family court...well, right now its Ellen - watching her show is like being in the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory without all the didactic violence against the children...

Maybe I will recover tomorrow - uhm will someone check on me?!